Whew!! This whole fall without any breaks thing is getting tough. My babies work REALLY hard, but even I'm starting to get stir crazy. Only 2 months till Thanksgiving Break right? :(
Last week we read The Three Bears!
It is amazing how many of my kiddos have never been exposed to these classic stories before. They just thought my Papa Bear voice was phenomenal!
During this time in my reading units, when we are close reading each emergent storybook, we are really looking for the students to get deeper into the book! We have been focusing on the aspect of retelling the book. I found a similar version to the following activity on Pinterest.
My kiddos and I retold The Three Bears orally and I made sure they included the important parts. Then, each child took a part of the story to retell and illustrate on this large piece of construction paper. I made a big deal out of the fact that each part of the story is important (for the whiners who didn't get the part they wanted!).
They worked collaboratively together to finish it! I made it in the shape of a road map, so during other parts of our day (literacy centers/learning centers), my kiddos could walk the road and tell the story!
They were so proud of their part, and it really forced slightly pushed some of my kids out of their comfort zone that normally didn't participate as much in the retelling process :)
We also read the most adorable Three Bears poem! I found it on pinterest here :)

We have also been using our Guiding Kinders math resource to learn all about more/fewer. These are some pictures of my students choosing cards, building the number with bears, deciding which has more/less, then spinning to see if the winner is the person with more/less. YES! MY KINDERS CAN DO THIS!!
Here are a few pictures of my kiddos in action!
So precious right? They are so proud of themselves for all the math they can do! And bonus for me, my kiddos are progressing faster and more fully than last year at this time and they started out lower in general!! WOO!
As usual, I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten to share a peek at my week!
You can get a copy of my lesson plans here :)
We are reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? this week and learning TONS about color words!! I'll try to share more throughout the week :)
Have a great end to your Monday! I am watching my Cardinals and hoping for a win!!